Backcountry Sketchbook

Mount Rainier Hike and Paint
What a great weekend it was at Rainier despite the iffy forecast. A swirl of snowflakes greeted us at the parking lot as we gathered to meet each other. Art...
Mount Rainier Hike and Paint
What a great weekend it was at Rainier despite the iffy forecast. A swirl of snowflakes greeted us at the parking lot as we gathered to meet each other. Art supplies and snow gear loaded up, we started on the 1.6 miles trail through the forest to Cougar Rock. Along the way we stopped to notice the landscape, colors and...

Mount Daniel East Peak Ski and Paint
Mount Daniel East Peak Ski and Paint Around 18 miles, 5200ftJuly 4-5 2020 This weekend I carried my skis the longest I ever have, to the summit of Mount Daniel...
Mount Daniel East Peak Ski and Paint
Mount Daniel East Peak Ski and Paint Around 18 miles, 5200ftJuly 4-5 2020 This weekend I carried my skis the longest I ever have, to the summit of Mount Daniel East Peak. When I got to the top, I realized I forgot my paint brushes. I had paper, pen and watercolor, so I did some finger painting. It was pretty...

Live Painting with Bridgette Meinhold
Live painting with Bridgette Meinhold Social distancing has meant a lot of alone time, but we are finding ways to connect through art, right from our homes. For the past...
Live Painting with Bridgette Meinhold
Live painting with Bridgette Meinhold Social distancing has meant a lot of alone time, but we are finding ways to connect through art, right from our homes. For the past 3 weeks I have painted daily with some of my favorite artists from across the country, using just our phones to connect via instagram live. We are joined each day...

Ascent Outdoors Mural
It’s not easy for anyone these days. There are so many unknowns, how long will this last, what will we loose, how will we survive? Seeing small businesses board up...
Ascent Outdoors Mural
It’s not easy for anyone these days. There are so many unknowns, how long will this last, what will we loose, how will we survive? Seeing small businesses board up their windows here in Seattle has been hard. @ascent.outdoors is one of my favorite gear shops, they’ve helped inspire so many of my adventures, through gear, one on one chats in the...

Art in the Mountains with Mitch Pittman and the Musical Mountaineers
It was a clear afternoon as we headed into Mount Rainier National Park with the Musical Mountaineers and Mitch Pittman. We were there to make art as the sun set on...
Art in the Mountains with Mitch Pittman and the Musical Mountaineers
It was a clear afternoon as we headed into Mount Rainier National Park with the Musical Mountaineers and Mitch Pittman. We were there to make art as the sun set on Rainier. Anastasia had her violin, Rose her piano, I had my watercolors and Mitch had his camera. The creative energy was electric as we hiked. As the sky turned pink...

Painting on your Outdoor Adventures! (plus my supply list)
Painting on adventures is really fun, but when you're first starting out it can seem pretty daunting. Don't get discouraged! Check out these tips and tricks to get started.
Painting on your Outdoor Adventures! (plus my supply list)
Painting on adventures is really fun, but when you're first starting out it can seem pretty daunting. Don't get discouraged! Check out these tips and tricks to get started.
Turn your brain off
Picasso said "If only we could pull out our brain and use only our eyes." When I am painting, I try to turn my brain off and use only my...
Turn your brain off
Picasso said "If only we could pull out our brain and use only our eyes." When I am painting, I try to turn my brain off and use only my hands. The danger of using my brain is becoming overly worried about painting "right" or messing up. Usually that kind of thinking stops creativity and leads to lifeless paintings.